Skills and competencies for a Circular Human Resources Management in the Foundry sector
Skills and competencies for a Circular Human Resources Management in the Foundry sector
From EQAVET principles to real quality in WBL on business and company level – self evaluation, audit and continuous improvement
Webquest Learning for NEETs
VirtualCall – m-Training for Inactive Women Aiming their Employment as Call Center Agents at their Homes
Breaking stereotypes of women roles in foundry sector and awake their interest by Key Enabling Technologies from a gender inclusive
The Cultural and Creative Occupations: New opportunities in the traditional industries
Supporting young women into finding their place as social entrepreneurs and in taking on leadership roles early in life
Accelerating WBL outcome and quality through business oriented training programme for WBL responsables in companies
Practical e-Training of Flexible Vocations for Supporting Home Based Working of Inactive Women as Self-employed
E-Training of Inactive Women for Flexible Employability in the Hotel Industry & Gastronomy